Hi yogis!
Today, I would like to take a little time to update you on Zoom classes which are still fairly new to us all! There are some helpful tips on preparing for and booking your classes as well, especially if you haven’t been to one before.
Firstly, these classes came about when the gym I usually teach at closed due to the lockdown. This means that they will be moved to weekdays when the gym re-opens. Just wanted to clear this up first and foremost. I also want to thank my regular yogis for bearing with me while I got to grips with the technology which is all in hand now. Phew! Many thanks for your patience!
I am continuing with free taster yoga classes, so if you haven’t taken up this offer before and would like to join us over the weekend, email me through my contact page. I’ll send you a 100% discount code to enter on Ribbon. You can read about the types of yoga classes on Ribbon.
Okay, now over to some helpful tips and gentle requests from me, particularly for newbies:
Injuries and health conditions: kindly let me know before you attend a class if you have any injuries or health conditions that may affect your practice so that together, we can consider any changes we may need to make.
Booking a class: note that the booking system closes two hours before class on all platforms so remember to book early or by 9am on the day. I may not be able to see any emails or texts whilst I’m preparing for classes so it’s best to book early. My preferred platform is Ribbon but you are also welcome to book on Eventbrite and Yogatrail.
Cancelling a class: If you wish to cancel a class, kindly let me know the day before. This also applies to anyone attending a taster / free class. If you signed up for a taster and do not show up, I’m afraid there won’t be another free offer.
Preparing for a class: Allow 60 minutes for your yoga practice, or 45 for meditation, where you will not be disturbed. This is your ‘me time’ so I would suggest that you close the door and keep the pets out. Log on Zoom at least 5 minutes before class. As a minimum, you’ll need a yoga mat (for yoga practice, not necessarily for meditation). If possible, have with you (or invest in) a yoga block, a strap and a small blanket for the final relaxation (savasana). Please be ready on your mat with your props before you come into Zoom. That way, we’ll be able to start on time.
Attendance: We always start with a short meditation and breathwork, so if you are late for a class, I would be grateful if you could come in quietly. We will catch up after the warm up poses. Please also do not leave half way through the class if at all possible. If you want to have a break, you can rest in child’s pose or savasana for as long as and whenever you want. I demonstrate these poses towards the beginning of the class for this reason.
Video and audio: It is essential that you have your video on, particularly for yoga. I need to be able to observe your poses and suggest improvements if required. I like to engage with the class so I prefer that you have your audio on as well but if there is noise around you, or expect it at some point, kindly mute yourself at the start. I might also do that if I sense that noise is spilling over to other people’s virtual spaces.
Questions and comments: you are encouraged to ask me any questions you want, or give me feedback after the class. I am genuinely interested in your take on the yoga and if it has any impact on your wellbeing. Moreover, if you are happy with the class, please take two minutes to email me a 2-3 sentence testimonial for my website. Thank you!
Finally, let me know if I can help you in anyway to achieve your yoga goals this year. Head over to my website for some free resources such as audio guided meditation sessions , self-coaching tools and blogs on yoga and meditation techniques.
Incidentally, I have just added a section on eco-friendly yoga products with up to 10% discount codes that you can use on the retailers’ websites. Have a browse.
I am looking forward to our yoga classes next weekend!
With best wishes
Yoga Teacher & Life Coach