Happy Easter! I really hope you have a well-deserved relaxing long weekend.
I realise I haven’t updated you for some time on some things like new classes I’ve taken up recently, so this may be an opportune time for that.
New classes in town
Sometimes people ask me where else I teach – if you also have that question, then this one’s for you! I now teach across four gym studios in Bath (soon to be five).
-> Anytime Fitness – Tuesdays
-> Bath Sports & Leisure Centre – Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays
-> Macdonald Bath Spa Hotel – Fridays
-> Team Bath at University of Bath – Sundays
For exact timings and links to the gyms, please go to ‘Classes’ page.
In addition, very soon, I’ll start teaching pre and post natal women on behalf of BusyLizzy at FLY Fitness in the city centre as well as at Burdall’s Yard in Walcot. I am currently studying to become a qualified pre and post natal yoga teacher, which I’m very excited about. Very much looking forward to supporting new mums with their yoga practices.
20% off sound bath sessions
As you probably gathered from an earlier post, I will be running weekly group mindfulness meditation classes at The Soul Spa in Bath city centre starting from Thursday 20 April. I am so happy that some of you are already booked on. For information, I will be teaching a mindfulness technique as well as a self-realisation or another mindfulness technique each week. I am keen for people to try out different techniques and find one that works best for them.
For those of you who eventually become regular meditators by subscribing to my regular membership, Soul Spa will offer you a whopping 20% off any sound bath session which is very generous of them! If you’ve ever had a sound bath, you’ll know it’s a trip to heaven and back. Here is a link to booking a sound bath. And you will find yours truly listed on Soul Spa 🙂 You can find out more about my memberships here. So, when you become a regular member, I will automatically send you a 20% sound bath discount code! How exciting.
Practice Wellness Events
I recently created an ‘events’ page to list my workshops and classes (not gym classes) in one place. You may wish to a check in occasionally to see what’s happening. Here it is.
Bookings are coming through for the next 2.5 hours Yoga Theory & Practice Workshop on Bank Holiday Monday 1st May – which is great. Here is more information on this workshop in case you missed it. Remember early bird discount offer ends on Monday 10 April!
I would also very much like to celebrate International Day of Yoga with as many people as possible on Sunday 18 June with ‘18 Sun Salutations challenge’ (or however many you can do!) – either in the park or at Batheaston New Village Hall. By the way, this is how yogis typically celebrate international yoga day which always falls on summer solistice (a Wednesday this year – which isn’t good for me as I have classes). This entirely depends on interest from people, so if you like the idea of a sun sals challenge plus a few mantras (cost will be circa £15), please send your expression of interest here.
An eco-yoga warrior in Bath
No I am not referring to a new warrior pose! I recently discovered Bullfrog located at 10 Kingsmead Square in the centre of Bath who sell all things sustainable including beautiful cork yoga mats. Founded by Jon Brown in 2020, Bullfrog is “driven by making the world a better place”. What makes Bullfrog so special is they are actively supporting good causes in Bath through raising awareness and charitable support. They actually allow charities and wellness practitioners to use their lovely space free of charge! Now, that is super rare… Check out their quality products – maybe you’ll find something to your liking? Suffice it to say Bullfrog will soon be listed on my Eco-Yoga products page.

That’s all the news roundup for today. As ever, you are welcome to comment below or email your questions through my contact page.
Have an amazing Easter!
Sossi x