This is a quick announcement to all my wonderful subscribers. On Saturday 6 June, I will start new weekly pranayama classes at 10 am UK time. Everyone is invited.
There is no better time to get more oxygen into the body than now. With this terrible virus around us, the masks we have to wear, and the anxiety, we are breathing in less oxygen. Come top up your oxygen intake using pranayama and beat the stress!
Pranayama literally means life force technique – it’s yogic mindful breathing. There are different types of pranayama, and the ones we will be practicing in these classes are Savitri and Anuloma Viloma. Learn more about the importance of yogic breathing in my blog ‘Focus on your breath’.
PLEASE NOTE: You can book your place on Eventbrite, MoveGB, YogaTrail or Facebook. After you book, I will send you a Zoom invitation link and password. These classes are around 15-20 minutes long designed to set you up for the day. They are free or on ‘pay if you want’ basis, either via PayPal or bank transfer. Please ask for details if you wish to donate any amount.
Looking forward to having you at my first Zoom class!
Sossi Yohannes
YA Certified Yoga Teacher & Qualified Life Coach