Theory & Practice Yoga Workshop, 1st May 2023
The workshop on 1st May took place without a hitch with five wonderful people at different yoga levels. Some of the yoga philosophy subjects we discussed would have taken an additional hour or so to cover in detail, but as an introduction, there was just enough time to go over the main points. That is the intrigue and wonder of yoga! When time allows, I’ll develop workshops themed around each chakra. That should be fascinating.
If you had wanted to attend this workshop but missed it, rest assured I will repeat it in the autumn! Stay tuned. You can also register your interest now.
Below is feedback from the lovely Judy – thank you so much! And thanks to everyone who came to the workshop.
“This was the second afternoon workshop that I did with Sossi, and I enjoyed it just as much as the first one. The venue is ideal, and the room was set up in a way that created a welcoming and tranquil atmosphere. I appreciate the way in which Sossi is able to share her knowledge about the more philosophical aspects of yoga in a very clear and encouraging way. The workshop had an excellent balance of listening, doing and thinking, and Sossi made it feel personal to participants with different levels of yoga practice. Afterwards I left feeling energised and refreshed. The event was extremely well organised, and the follow-up websites are also useful and interesting.”
Here is a photo from our last workshop. P.S. I had 10 seconds to get into the pose after setting the camera timer, so please forgive the not-so-perfect pose! 😊

Mindfulness Meditation at the Soul Spa
It has been almost one month since I started teaching weekly mindfulness meditation classes at the Soul Spa in Bath city centre. A few people have popped in to try them out, which is great. We have already practiced a number of meditation techniques such as Atma vichara (self-inquiry), Trataka (gazing steadily), Savitri (yogic rhythmic breathing), become the observer (visualisation) and chakra activation meditation. I’ve received encouraging feedback and will continue to run the classes as long as there is demand.
As they are new classes, I would be ever grateful if you could let your family members, friends and colleagues know please. A lot of people have been impacted by recent events and meditation can provide a sense of safety, clarity and joy. Please send them this link:
Remember, it’s only £5 to try, and £5 per class for regular members! Best offer in Bath 😉
Thank you!

Not for the faint hearted: 18 Sun Salutations on 18th of June
I present a challenge to yogis who wish to celebrate International Day of Yoga in true yogi style. Practice 18 sun salutations on the 18th of June.
As you may know, it is customary to practice 108 sun salutations and chant mantras 108 times on summer solstice which is also International Yoga Day as set by the United Nations. You may be interested that the number 9 stands for eternity in yoga culture – hence 1+8 in the number 108, contrary to the Western view of 8 as the number of eternity. Watch this video for further explanation.
At our challenge session, we will simply take out ‘0’ from 108 and keep the rest. 😊 I know 18 is still a lot of sun salutations, so this session is not for the faint hearted, as per my disclaimer above. Still, there is no obligation to do all 18, as many as we can do, or, until we can do no more!
I have led on one of these sessions before as well as participated, and totally enjoyed them. I’m sure this one will be just as epic! Already looking forward to it.
UPDATE 17-05-2023: Venue confirmed – House of St Johns, 1 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HA
Venue has not been confirmed yet as I’m looking for somewhere quiet, bright and airy. Of course the park is always an option. Hence, ticket price depends on the venue and will be a recommended donation of between £10 to £18 if it’s in the park, and £18 indoors.
You can secure your spot now, or register your interest.

Pre / Post Natal Yoga
Soon, I will obtain my qualification as a pre and post natal yoga teacher. I am pleased that my instructor is satisfied with my progress and has given me the go-ahead to start teaching now. Therefore, I will shortly add this to one of my offers. If you know anyone looking for pre or post natal yoga teacher, kindly send them my way! Thank you.
Updated links to classes
Links to both private yoga classes and gym studio classes have been updated (including pre-/post natal yoga), in case you wish to have a look.
That’s all the news today. Have a fabulous sunny weekend. See you soon at a class!
As ever, feel free to comment below.