Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed the amazing lunar eclipse last week (26 May). The moon’s energy is still strong so if you haven’t done so already, I would recommend that you take the opportunity to meditate on your own or in a group. Great time to set your intentions and manifest your desires.
This is a follow up from my blog of 9th of March 2021 in which I discussed the mechanics and benefits of using natural and sustainable materials in the production of eco-friendly yoga products. In that blog, I covered cork, jute, and bamboo. In this blog, I present to you organic cotton, recycled plastics and hemp.
Ready? Let’s get started.
Organic Cotton
Did you know that ‘conventional’ cotton that is widely used by today’s fast-fashion brands is grown using Genetically Modified seeds and pesticides? Of course, the reason behind this is clear – to increase the size and yield of the plant. Did you also know that there are no common standards or regulations to ensure the safety and quality of conventional cotton production?
In 2014, Textile Exchange, a global non-profit organisation, did a study and found that growing cotton ‘as nature intended’ saves farmers the cost of agricultural inputs such as mineral fertilisers and pesticides. It also reduces field emissions caused by harmful fertilisers as well as nitrogen and phosphorous deposits into water. It prevents soil erosion and locks CO2 into the soil. All this can be achieved with less energy since it requires less irrigation.
‘What about the end product?’ you may ask.
The result of using no pesticides and other chemicals means that organic cotton fabric is naturally hypoallergenic. Organic cotton is by far of superior quality to the standard version.
On my site, you will find a number of organic cotton yoga products such as Yogaclicks fabulous Dakini organic yoga bottoms which come with a 15% discount. You will also find supportive and sculpting People Tree yoga tops made from fairtrade certified organic cotton and elastane.
Recycled Plastics
Plastic takes 500 years or more to degrade, if it ever does. It’s been polluting our lands and oceans for quite some time now. Of course, some positive steps have been taken by governments and businesses to minimise single use plastic bags and plastic packaging in shops and supermarkets.
But is this enough?
Recycling plastics is an effective way to minimise waste and improve the state of our environment. What’s more, it takes less resources and 59% less energy than polyester to make the fabric. Even more good news – its manufacturing process doesn’t include the extraction of crude oil and natural gas from our planet.
Check out Yogaclick’s recycled yoga leggings, Pachamama, designed with inspiration from the Inca culture in Peru. *You can get 15% discount on your first purchase when you use my link.*
Hemp is an eco-friendly material with a low ecological footprint. It is very fast growing, sustainable, requires very few pesticides and has a huge variety of uses. Industrial hemp is typically found in the northern hemisphere. It is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products.
Hemp’s qualities are truly amazing.
When it is used in fabric, it helps wick away moisture from the skin. It’s also thermo dynamic, meaning that it helps keep you warm when it’s cold, and cool when it’s warm. Hemp is antibacterial so it keeps you fresh all day. As well as being soft and very strong, it’s perfect for people with allergy issues or sensitive skin.
Hemp clothing naturally stops up to 95% of the sun’s harmful UV light, while being 5 times as strong and hardwearing as cotton.
You will find plenty of hemp yoga clothing and accessories on Yoga Matters and Etsy websites.
That’s it for today. Enjoy the rest of your bank holiday weekend and the start of a new month! If you’d like to join our group meditation on 8 June, you can book your place on Ribbon for as little as £2.
Visit my Eco-yoga page for more information. Comments and questions are welcome below!