Happy New Year beautiful souls! I hope 2021 brings you joy, peace, love and abundance. I have three things to pass by you if I may.
1. Quick informal survey
As you know Zoom yoga and meditation classes are now underway and bookings available on Eventbrite and Ribbon. Meantime, I would love to hear from you on your particular interests and preferences on what days or times you prefer to have these classes in the new year. Your answers would help me review current timings as we are now in another lockdown. Of course, it also means I get to know you a little bit better! Please could I ask you to spare just two minutes to fill in a very quick survey? It will take you no more than two minutes. Thank you!
2. Make a new start
Next week, the focus of our mindfulness class will be on letting go of the past and welcoming new more positive emotions and experiences into our realities. Why don’t you join us?! Book a place using one of the links below. We meet on Zoom on Tuesday 5 January at 18:30 GMT. (Note: bookings close three hours before class, so please book early.)
3. Manifest your goals
In mid-January, we will have a short coaching session on vision boarding (fun way to plan and manifest your year ahead) on Zoom. Do let me know if you’re interested (use the survey linked above, if easier). Stay tuned for more information.
Thanks very much for being a part of Practice Wellness. I am looking forward to practicing yoga and meditation with you in the New Year!
With best wishes,
Yoga Teacher & Life Coach