Yoga News Roundup

Happy Easter! I really hope you have a well-deserved relaxing long weekend.

I realise I haven’t updated you for some time on some things like new classes I’ve taken up recently, so this may be an opportune time for that.

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An Insight into Chakras

Do you wonder what chakras are and why they play a key role in yoga and meditation practices?

In today’s blog, I explain what chakras are using helpful metaphors and the benefits of “unblocking” them.

What are chakras?

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Chakra Activation and Global Healing Meditation

Happy Bank Holiday Monday!
Another brand new month has just arrived bringing with it lots of new opportunities as well as a new season. So what have you planned for it? Perhaps a holiday, a new hobby, a health and fitness goal, a new job or even helping others do the same? Self exploration through meditation and yoga could help you with clarity as you plan ahead for the summer and the remainder of the year.

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