“If humanity has to live for a long time, you have to think like the Earth, act as the Earth and be the Earth because that is what you are.” Sadhguru
You don’t really need me to lecture you about why we should care for the environment. It’s literally the hottest topic in the media right now. Environmental campaigners are doing an amazing job making sure the topic remains in the headlines so that collectively, we are increasingly becoming conscious of our impact on planet earth and our legacy to future generations. Thanks to their relentless efforts, today, we are considerably more aware as well as careful about our carbon footprints, use of plastics and how we manage our waste. Closer to home, what do you think is the role of yoga in this global movement and what can we do differently to reduce our negative impact?

Hi, my name is Sossi. I’m a yoga teacher and life coach; and new to Bristol. Since my teacher training over two years ago, I have been teaching groups in the UK, Spain and Sri Lanka – in surfing camps, studios, gyms, villas and on warm sandy beaches. At the risk of sounding like a cliché, I have to confess that I fell completely in love with yoga, particularly in the months leading up to my training, having practiced it for several years before. My training which took place in a beautiful retreat close to the sand dunes of Playa del Ingles was the pinnacle of this prevailing love affair, and dare I say, life transforming!
In addition to yoga, I am hugely passionate about the environment. I’m sure that I share this sentiment with fellow yoga teachers who also uphold the values contained in the Yamas and Niyamas of Patanjali’s sutras. A few months ago, I was inspired to study the relationship between yoga and the environment. I found that, unfortunately, the yoga market is largely dependent on non-recyclable materials. In addition to that, it’s not always clear how fairly the producers are compensated for their labour.
But wait… there is also some good news. A growing number of enterprising yogis are leading the way in innovative yoga products that are environmentally and socially responsible. Excited with this finding, I made contact with some of them to offer collaboration, where I would advocate their ethically made yoga products to my friends and yoga circles in return for discounts. It’s a win win!
Subsequently Eco-Friendly Yoga Gear was born. Here you will find yoga mats and blocks made with cork – a natural and sustainable material that endures incredibly well; hand-crafted garments made with 100% certified organic cotton and non-toxic natural dyes; leggings made from recycled plastics that would have otherwise ended up in the oceans; tops made with bamboo – a natural fibre that is almost as soft as silk, breathable, naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial. You will also find discount codes for most of these items – more good news!
Although at face value, these eco-friendly products may be more expensive compared to leading brands, they are in fact more durable and therefore economical in the long run. Worth mentioning that they are also healthier since natural fibres have no toxins or additives. So when you invest in sustainability, you are also investing in your own wellbeing; and supporting new small yoga eco businesses.
Why not treat yourself to something special on www.practicewellness.co.uk/eco-yoga this festive season? Should you feel so inspired, kindly share the site with friends, family members and yoga students if you’re a teacher. Remember to visit again as more eco suppliers and products will be added soon. Follow us on Facebook: www.fb.com/ecofriendlyyogagear
Thanks for your time and I would love to hear from you with your views on all things yoga and the environment!

Sossi Yohannes
Yoga Teacher & Life Coach