Hi Wellness Practitioners! Welcome to December 2023. I hope this blog finds you well and warm! It’s getting a little chilly here in the northern hemisphere.
This is just a very quick and brief blog to invite you to book your workshops online as soon as you can as it looks like they’re selling out on Eventbrite! My free introduction to coaching online workshop for women due Tuesday 5 December has sold out and people are now booking for January! I’m obviously very happy with this, as it’s great to see people finding value in my workshops.
Speaking of value – I still have spaces for a fun ‘Values & Purpose’ workshop for women on Tuesday 12 December. This workshop would make a great precursor to, or complement, your New Year planning. Just in case you missed my recent blog on ‘becoming the best version of yourself’, my story may inspire you to think about your goals in 2024 and beyond.
Finally, please note that I will be running these two workshops every other month from now on. For your convenience, you will find all events on the Events page.
If you have any questions on any of the above, you can email me or comment below.
Have a wonderful and restful weekend!
Sossi x