It’s always a good idea to set your plans for the New Year ahead of time. Often, people talk about an experiment done at Harvard Business School back in 1979. Have you heard of this story before?
Harvard MBA students were asked: “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” Only 3% had written goals and plans. 13% had unwritten goals and 84% had no goals at all.
Ten years later, they followed up with this cohort of ex-students. Incredibly, the 3% with written goals and plans were earning ten times as much as all the others put together! The 13% with unwritten goals were earning twice as much as the 84% with no goals. So there you have it – this is the power of goal setting!
Today I am really excited to invite you to Values, Purpose & Vision Boarding Workshop on 29 January at Batheaston New Village Hall in Bath, UK, where you will set time aside to properly plan for your New Year. This fun and interactive workshop includes clarity on our values, priorities and life purpose which we will achieve through different exercises individually and as a group. We’ll also put together vision boards which are excellent tools to help realise your goals.
Please note that we only have four places available to allow one-to-one chat on values. Read more about this event and grab your ticket on Eventbrite or Momence which you will find linked on the dedicated workshop page.
Questions? Comments? Please reply to this email, comment below or contact me from my site.
Happy New Year!!!! Wishing you a most successful and prosperous 2023!
Sossi – Qualified Coach & Yoga Teacher