Chakra Balancing Yoga Course Returns!

This is a quick note to my valued subscribers in Bath, UK. You are warmly invited to my next Chakra Balancing Yoga Flow 7-week course starting Thursday 13 March. In this course, we practice chakra themed yoga flow which includes powerful yoga poses…

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Season’s Greetings!

I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful festive season this winter. I hope you have a lot of joyful moments, and time for reflection, mindfulness and yoga!

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Unblock and activate your seven chakras, one chakra at a time, over a period of 7 weeks! Chakra balancing classes are suitable for all levels, including beginners. You can book on the 7-week course, or grab a great value class-pass, or pay-as-you-go! We meet on Thursdays at 6pm in Oldfield Park, Bath.

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Demystifying Mudras

If you ask me what intrigues me the most about yoga, I would place mudras towards the top of the list. Because, yes, there is still quite a lot that intrigues me, and still so much more to learn, which is why I am eternally drawn to, and passionate about yoga.

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Immersion Yoga Course – what’s next?

I hope you are enjoying the awesome British summer we are having! Just a little tongue-in-cheek humour, of course, as I am very much eagerly waiting for hot and sunny days, so I can ride my bike around town and go for walks in nature. Hopefully soon. Still, I have a certain accomplishment to celebrate. This past Tuesday, I completed facilitating a new 6-week Immersion theory and practice yoga course in Bath.

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