I am pleased to offer visitors to my website a free 30-minute consultation, self-coaching tools as well as blogs on various coaching topics.
Consultation: To book your free 30-minute consultation on the phone or on video (Googlemeet or Zoom), go to Momence. We can discuss your requirements for one-to-one coaching or workshops for your teams or customers.
Coaching tools: below is a very helpful SWOT analysis exercise that you can use anytime but especially good to complete in advance of a coaching session.
Here is another great self-coaching tool – the Wheel of Life to help with your personal development journey. Download, complete, learn, improve and test yourself again in a month’s time.
Inspire and motivate yourself by articulating your goals and desires on a vision board and pin it on the wall or as a screensaver to encourage you to constantly think and focus on your goals.
Blogs: In addition, you might be interested in my coaching blogs. Let me know if you have any questions in relation to the any of the coaching tools provided here.