The Seven Main Chakras

The direct English translation of the Sanskrit word chakra is ‘wheel’. Chakras are energy vortex centres in the body that are constantly in motion, moving vital life force energy, or ‘prana’, throughout our bodies to keep our internal organs functioning at optimum levels.

Perhaps the best way to describe them is likening them to road roundabouts. In this case, the high number of roads converging onto the main roundabouts are energy pathways called nadis or in Chinese medicine, meridian lines. Note that nadis also work in tangent with the human nervous system – both sympathetic and parasympathetic – and are equally important to learn about. But for today, we will keep to chakras.

There are seven main chakras that run parallel to the spine. Remember these are wheels of vortex energy but their cores are aligned to the spine, starting at the base and extending to the crown of the head. There are also several other minor chakras including those on our hands and feet. Refer to image below and read more about each chakra.

When balanced and spinning correctly, each chakra allows prana to flow freely through the body improving nerve connections and bringing a sense of wellbeing. However, if a chakra wheel becomes blocked, it can cause the other wheels to also get blocked, just like a traffic jam in a roundabout – referring to the metaphor given above. Blocked chakras can contribute to ill health physically, emotionally and/or mentally.

In our group yoga classes, we activate and energise our chakra wheels so that prana can flow freely – healing us from inside out. Below, you will find description of each chakra and affirmations to practice during chakra activation or meditation.

Root chakra (1st chakra)

The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the foundation for life and is responsible for our sense of security and stability. We often use this chakra for grounding or earthing during meditation. In our meditations, we visualise a red colour around this chakra.

Affirmation: “I am always safe and connected to the earth.”

Sacral chakra (2nd chakra)

The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located at the centre of the pelvis. This chakra is responsible for intimacy and creative energy. It’s also linked to how we relate to our emotions as well as the emotions of others. In our meditations, we visualise an orange colour around this chakra.

Affirmation: “I flow with the rhythms of life.”

Solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra)

The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is located in the navel. It’s responsible for confidence and self-esteem, as well as helping us feel in control of our lives. It is also to do with our social role. In our meditations, we visualise an amber or gold colour around this chakra.

Affirmation: “I live with abundant energy and vitality.”

Heart chakra (4th chakra)

The heart chakra, or Anahata, is located at the heart, in the centre of the chest. This chakra is the seat of unconditional love and compassion. In our meditations, we visualise an emerald green colour around this chakra.

Affirmation: “I open my heart to embrace life as it is.”

Throat chakra (5th chakra)

The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is located in the throat. This chakra has to do with our ability to communicate and express ourselves clearly. In our meditations, we visualise a blue colour around this chakra.

Affirmation: “I follow my truth and communicate it clearly.”

Brow or third eye chakra (6th chakra)

The third eye chakra, or Ajna, is located between the eye brows. This chakra is responsible for intuition and insight. In our meditations, we visualise a violet colour around this chakra.

Affirmation: “I live with wisdom and vision.”

Crown chakra (7th chakra)

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the crown of the head. Sahasrara represents our spiritual connection to our higher selves and the Divine or the Universe. In our meditations, we visualise a crystal light around this chakra.

Affirmation: “I live in oneness and unity with the Divine and all beings.”

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